Terms and conditions
1.Gift cards can be redeemed online at the websites below:- sportsdirect.com,lillywhites.com,fieldandtrek.com, soccerscene.co.uk,jjb.com, sweatshop.co.uk,dragoncarpdirect.com,pwptennis.com, thisispulp.co.uk,gelert.com, racketcentre.com,store.sondico.com,bigbikechain.com, ukstore.carltonsports.com, store.dunlopsport.com,ukstore.everlast.com,ukstore.nofear.com, firetrap.com, golddigga.co.uk,holdall.com,mrluggage.com,muddyfox.com, store.slazenger.com, nufcdirect.com,rangersmegastore.com,soulcal.co.uk, soviet.com,hot-tuna.com, store.usapro.co.uk,voodoodolls.co.uk,fightzonedirect.com, tabletennispro.co.uk, store.campri.com,keeperskit.com,tennis.net. 2.Gift cards can be redeemed in branches of SportsDirect.com, Sports World, Lillywhites, Field & Trek, Soccer Scene, European Golf, Eybi, Dragon Carp and Sports Expert. 3.Gift cards may be exchanged for goods of higher price than the value stored on the card on payment of the difference. 4.If you do not spend the entire balance on the gift card the remaining balance will remain stored on the gift card. No cash change will be given. 5.If any product purchased with a gift card is subsequently exchanged for a product of lower price or a refund, any money owing will be issued as a gift card or e-voucher. 6.Gift cards may not be refunded, exchanged for cash, used as payment with discount vouchers or taken as deposits. 7.Please treat gift cards as cash. Sportsdirect.com will not accept liability for lost, stolen or damaged cards. 8.Photocopied, reproduced or defaced cards will not be accepted. The Managers decision, in such cases, final. 9.Gift cards are valid for 18 months after purchase. Any remaining balance will be cancelled on the expiry of the validity period. 10.We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of the gift card at any time. This does not affect your legal rights.